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Taking Language Trends '24 on board

Every year, the British Council unveils its Language Trends report, offering a comprehensive look into how language education has evolved in England over the past year. For this year, the findings continue to reflect a dynamic landscape with plenty of challenges, but also, hearteningly, some optimism particularly around the new GCSE.

At All Abroad! Bus, we delve into the Language Trends England 2024 report with keen interest. For us, it's not just a document of statistics and facts, it’s a roadmap for us to align our mission with current needs and opportunities in language education.

Language Trends 2024 highlights some key points that resonate deeply with us:

  • Primary school adventures: French continues to shine as the top choice for young learners dipping their toes into language studies. It's clear that starting early opens doors to a world of linguistic discovery and nurtures versatile skill sets.

  • Secondary school pathways: The new GCSE courses for French, German, and Spanish, to be taught from September, should make languages more accessible and attractive to students. With a focus on a more practical use of language and common vocabulary, it paves the way for more engaging language journeys.

  • Resilience in learning: Despite the hurdles posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have shown incredible adaptability in keeping language education vibrant and accessible. It's a testament to the creativity and dedication of teachers, and a moment to galvanise this strength and build for the future, with motivation key.

  • Unlocking benefits beyond language: There's a growing recognition of how learning languages boosts cognitive skills and broadens cultural horizons. It's about nurturing global citizens who can thrive in an interconnected world.

Where All Abroad! Bus fits in

Our mission is to bring languages and cultures to life through immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression:

  1. Innovative learning adventures: We're all about thinking outside the textbook and beyond the classroom. Our immersive 360°VR and multi-sensory experiences turn language and culture learning into an exciting journey, where students can practise different language skills in meaningful, real-world contexts.

  2. Meeting today's challenges: Amidst the cost of living crisis, Brexit bureaucracy, and the aftermath of Covid-19, which have negatively impacted school travel within, not to mention outside, the UK, our virtual adventures offer a safe, convenient, and enriching alternative. We're bringing the world to classrooms, ensuring that transformative learning need not stop.

  3. Celebrating diversity: Beyond grammar and vocabulary, our experiences celebrate cultural diversity. By stepping into virtual global communities, students gain a deeper intercultural understanding and appreciate different ways of life.

  4. Making language education inclusive: We're passionate about making language learning accessible to all. Whether in affluent areas or underserved communities, our goal is to provide affordable, high-quality experiences and resources that inspire and empower everyone, no matter their background or challenges.

  5. Sharing insight and information: Sign up for our news, specifically for schools, to receive updates when we add new All Abroad! Experiences as well as tips, resources and initiatives around language and culture education; active and experiential teaching approaches; language technologies and travel.

What's Next for All Abroad! Bus?

Reflecting on Language Trends England 2024, All Abroad! Bus is poised to help advance language and culture education through practical and collaborative approaches:

In-situ career experiences: Exploring partnerships with businesses and organisations to develop experiences that showcase and immerse students in real-world examples of language skills being used across different career paths, to enlighten them about global opportunities and motivate them to continue language study.

International engagement: Working with teachers, schools, policymakers, and businesses to enhance initiatives such as Brirish Council's Connecting classrooms and the Turing Scheme for funded international trips, to amplify our collective impact.

Broadening our language offer: Developing experiences and resources for increasingly popular languages in primary schools and in secondary schools for GCSE, eg. Latin, Italian, Mandarin and Arabic, whilst also exploring home and community languages to complement the support of these languages in schools and the prevalence of EAL students, particularly in more deprived areas.

Advocating language learning benefits: Continuing to promote the cognitive and developmental benefits of language education. Through innovative resources and challenges, we inspire flexibility, adaptability, and lifelong learning among students.

Advancing language technology: Collaborating with immersive and innovative technologies to strengthen language learning outcomes and enrich student experiences.

Language Trends England 2024 affirms what we've always believed: that language and culture education isn't just about words on a page—it's about opening eyes, minds and doors to new worlds. At All Abroad! Bus, we're dedicated to creating authentic language experiences and preparing students for global success. Join us on this transformative journey to ignite a passion for languages and cultures that lasts a lifetime!

or, support our mission to amplify the impact of language and culture education in the UK, for all. Together, let's empower learners, no matter their background or challenges, to thrive in a multilingual, multicultural world and shape tomorrow's global citizens!

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